2024 Reclaiming Conference

Welcome to our 3rd Annual Conference! We have assembled a coalition of leaders from government, digital platforms, media, academia and civil society to address the imminent threat of disinformation and censorship. You are invited to join citizens from across North America to help us form an international strategy in order to advance freedom and to safeguard our democracies in these rapidly changing times.
We are advocating for a new Congress of Citizens to reimagine nations and to bring forward actionable solutions. We seek to engage in a civil discourse on all spectrums of ideas, opinions and ideology. Our mission is to bring together speakers, delegates, and global participants to engage in peaceful and respectful discussions.
Our mission is to increase the amount of dialogue within our country with a focus on healing polarization which has invariably been shaped by a lack of discussion and treatment of the “other” as an enemy. We hope to utilize robust and diverse discussions to assist us all in finding solutions in order to come together for the betterment of all. It is only through dialogue and civil engagement with one another that we can begin to understand, attain knowledge and heal our divided communities.
We welcome all people regardless of background, ideology or affiliation to attend our conference; however, any communication in speech, or behaviour that attacks an individual will not be tolerated. We count on your support to help us make this Reclaiming Conference a beacon of peaceful and respectful dialogue - strengthening the bonds of society and building a better world for all.

Dr. Drew Pinsky is a physician in Internal and Addiction Medicine, a television host, author and public speaker. He has over 2.5M followers, has treated tens of thousands of patients in his 40 years as a physician and runs a private practice specializing in Internal Medicine.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya has four degrees from Stanford, is a physician and has a PhD in economics. He has over 500K followers, is a Professor of Health Policy at Stanford University and was a co-author in 2020 of the Great Barrington Declaration, which advocated lifting COVID-19 restrictions on lower-risk groups.

Ms. Lich is a Canadian activist who garnered international attention as an instrumental organizer with the 2022 Truckers Freedom Convoy which was a protest against vaccine mandates. She is a Saskatchewan native and is a passionate advocate for the rights and freedoms of all Canadians.

Mr. Carpay is the founder and president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. He has devoted his legal career to defending constitutional freedoms through litigation and education. He has been an advocate for freedom and the rule of law in constitutional cases across Canada.

Zuby is a rising public figure and influential voice, whose unique perspective, authenticity and positive energy have earned him nearly 2M followers on social media and over 50M online video views. He has caught the attention of some of the most popular media personalities in the world, appearing on Joe Rogan and The Rubin Report.

Mr. Barber is a Canadian trucking company operator and activist who co-led the Canadian convoy protest. He felt compelled to stand up against mandates that forced Canadians to be vaccinated against their will or lose their livelihoods.

Mr. Scott is the owner of the Whistle Stop Café which became a centrepiece for defiance against COVID-19 public health measures in 2021. The decision to acquit Mr. Scott came on the heels of the Ingram decision and ruled that public health orders made during the pandemic were outside the jurisdiction of the Public Health Act.

Mr. Kuntz is the President of Vaccine Choice Canada, a federally registered not-for-profit educational society dedicated to helping families make voluntary, fully informed and health-conscious choices about vaccination. He also runs Freedom Rising which helps connect freedom groups across Canada with weekly meetings.

Mr. Charalambous is the founder of Reaching People and his background involves over 25 years of consulting in behavioural science. He has built a unique communication model, bringing together ideas from numerous fields to form a unique and simple system of reaching people.

Mr. Wade is a staunch advocate for freedom and human rights. He works with New World Precious Metals which is a business focused on helping individuals and companies protect their wealth with gold and silver.

Dr. Peter McCullough is a physician, internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist. He was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University and a Professor at Texas A&M University. He has over 1M followers, has reviewed thousands of scientific reports and is considered among the world's experts on COVID-19.

Ms. Southern is a Canadian journalist, author and documentary filmmaker with over 700K subscribers. Her political commentary has been featured in International Business Times, The Spectator, Sky News and more. In 2015, Southern ran as a Libertarian Party candidate in the Canadian federal election.

Ms. Humphrey is the British Columbia Bureau Chief Reporter for Rebel News. Her fearless reporting challenges political correctness and asks the tough questions mainstream media tends to avoid. As a former mental health professional, she risked her career speaking out against the harms of lockdowns.

Mr. Clyde Nichols (aka Clyde Do Something) is the host from the popular YouTube show. He is a political commentator from Canada and posts videos assessing daily news while advocating for greater freedom and transparency. He has over 130K subscribers and has made it his mission to tell the stories our mainstream media won't cover.

Mr. Brian Peckford is the former Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador and the last surviving signatory of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He has launched a lawsuit with other Canadians which alleges the Federal Government of Canada has violated citizens rights under the Charter.

Mr. Kirsch is an American entrepreneur who was one of two people who independently invented the first version of the optical mouse. He received a Master of Science in computer science from the MIT, has over 480K followers and has been a philanthropic supporter of independent COVID-19 medical research.

Mr. Martin Belanger (aka Marty Up North) is a 12th generation Albertan with roots in the Province dating back to 1634. He is a retired professional engineer with a successful career in the oil and gas industry and now works as a social media influencer with over 80K subscribers. He hosts a podcast with Clyde Do Something to discuss political events in Canada.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski is a Polish-Canadian preacher and political activist. His unwavering faith, combined with his commitment to justice and freedom, makes him a figure of inspiration. In a world where it’s easy to compromise, Artur stands as a reminder of the power of conviction.

Mr. Sheikh is founder and principal of Sheikh Law, based in Victoria, British Columbia. He has extensive experience in labour law, international business and public service. Umar is proud to serve clients in the areas of, employment, human rights, labour and civil litigation.

Ms. Chipiuk is a lawyer and the founder of Empowered Canadians. This is an organization with the goal of informing Canadians about their legal and political processes and enabling them to become more active citizens in our democracy.